Sunday, August 24, 2014


The academy of Energy and power has created a PBL about the Terraforming of Mars.

As part of this project Mr. Mitchell's Art2Photo classes will be working togther in small teams(groups) to submitt M.A.R.S. based proposals for the Frist Center for the Visual Art's Bollard Decoration Project

M.A.R.S./ B.D.P.

M.A.R.S. Teams of 4 will research Mars, Architecture, Art, Music, Fashion and Design(and anything else they can think of) to inform their proposal to the FRIST.

Each M.A.R.S. team will have 4 members to include Research Specialist, Art Director, Data Manager, Logistics Specialists. These members will work together to identify what their roles mean inside of the team and the expectations they have for each other.

Phase One M.A.R.S./B.D.P.

1.Teams Chosen
2.Data Folder Created
3.Members assigned roles
4.Members discuss roles
5.Practice M.A.R.S./B.D.P. exercise

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

8B Husky drawings

Just a few highlights from our great drawing session during 8B on Tuesday.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Art 1 5B Collaborative 30 second drawings

Our main in class activity today was to create 30 collaborative drawings that all 30 students worked on for 30 seconds each. These are now on display in the hallway outside of class. One student was our timer and every 30 seconds she called for her fellow artists to switch. The drawings turned out great and created lively discussion about collaborating and how you could work with or against the drawings made by the other artists in class.
We also practiced drawing 3-D boxes in our sketchbooks and one student really wanted me to put her mended/mending heart drawing on the blog. Digression is our ACT word of he week so added it to our sketchbooks.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Setting the bar for work ethic in art class.

We watched Tom Thum's TedxSydney talk today in class. In it he talks about "pursuing this crazy passion" of beatboxing. I told them that I am going to site this talk when they ask me "am I done" in reference to their artwork. Are you done? Have you put your heart, mind and soul into your work? Is it the best you are capabale of? Does Tom Thum just do the minimum while pursuing his crazy passion of pushing the human voice to its limits? How can ask more of yourself?

4A Self-Portraits

8B Humans of Maplewood

We watched Brandon Stanton's (Humans of New York photographer) TEDx talk about how to approach people and ask to take their picture.

7B Great Nametag

1A Self Portraits

2A Photo yo!

Friday, August 8, 2014

4a Photo

4A Photo class was great today. They finished their skechbooks and took some good shots in the classroom.

2a Photo

First full photo class went really well. Photo Journals started, Camera inventory, camera tests and download training starts. Oh and some folks liked my wire bowtie and wanted to learn to make their own!

Art 1a sketchbooks

                   Awesome first full class of the year at Maplewood. Sketchbooks made!